About Terra Libra
Terra Libra - is the free-enterprise sector of the world. We operate on the principles of property rights, voluntary exchange, and the sanctity of contract. A major purpose of Terra Librans is to bring about a massive shift of people, resources, and economic activities from the master and slave (or victim) sectors into the free sector. We call this the Terra Libra Shift.
Offering an alternative to what is currently forced upon most people without alternative and without their consent
Terra Libra is based upon the notion that all individuals are free to choose the best option for their own government, as well as decide what is in their own best interest, free from outside influences and intervention, no differently than one might choose which auto or home is right for them
Terra Libra is commited to providing alternative government services to freedom minded individuals who agree they should be free to decide and determine, who, and from what, their government is made up, and which services, if any, they desire to obtain
Rather than "pretending" to represent people who provided no permission to use their names, in order to usurp "authority" and/or "jurisdiction" under colour of law, and resorting to violence, coercion, hostage taking, or theft, in order to achieve those ends
Terra Libra instead takes the freemarket approach, which has many benefits, such as increased security to personal information, as well as, increased privacy and freedom, to name only a few. Terra Libra takes your privacy seriously and will never reveal it to any third party without your express permission to do so. Whereas, with other government entities your personal and private information may be a matter of public record, which we feel only increases the possiblity of, and promotes identity theft and other nefarious activities. If these governments were actually interested in protecting you and your personal and private information, they certainly would not openly provide it to the entire world for perusal
It is our hope in the near future to issue Radio Identifications for amateur radio use, personal ID cards for individuals, Drivers ID cards, and Port Passes, persuant to international laws and treaties, as well as, provide other services as they become available, for anyone who desires an alternative to other less desireable options available
It is impossible to cover here, every topic and include every nuance encompassed by all Terra Libra superior freedom concepts
The republic of Terra Libra is the dawning of a completely new era in government, merging with superior freedom technologies
Don't like the rules of the game? ... change them in your favor today
"Free your mind and your body will surely follow"