Amateur Radio Identification
Terra Libra is not a place, but rather, an idea, spanning the entire globe
Terra Libra Citizens are from all over the world
Terra Libra is a brand new country, which can be added to the DXCC list of countries to contact, you can also become a Terra Libra citizen yourself and enjoy all of the the benefits which Terra Libra has to offer
Terra Libra has adopted the TL prefix of (ITU: Central Republic of Afrika)
For three reasons:
1.) There are very few amateur radio stations in the Central Republic of Afrika
2.) It matches Terra Libra's first letters (initials) of the country
3.) It just makes good sense to incorporate this practice (yes, Terra Libra is the first to adopt this convention)
Since Terra Librans do not all hail from a specific geographic location, one never knows, from where the Terra Libra radio contact might be originating
Which makes the DX contact all the more interesting and exciting
Some operators prefer to use GPS coordinates to define their location
Others, perhaps commonly used names and map conventions to define their location
Open source Terra Libra will soon begin to "catch on", much like open source software, as have Linux and BSD
Naysayers early on said, open source software would never fly, and that programmers would never work to improve computer OS's and software without compensation, free of charge
The programers saw that it was free, which essentially made it their operating system, or software, and it was in their own interest to fine tune them and custom tailor them to their own needs and requirements if they were capable, this same principle applies to Terra Libra, Terra Libra is yours to improve, for your own benefit
As everyone can clearly see today, the concept is very sound and Linux is the number two operating system worldwide, not surprisingly, the naysayers and doubters were wrong again, this shift in the balance of power occurred because of the collective efforts of everyone involved, and is still improving today
It may seem strange now, but this is the future of amateur radio, and of government
Individuals free to choose their governmental association no matter what clump of ground they refer to as home
Using your two letter country code as a "callsign" prefix is an improved alternative to common practice
It is an immediate identifier to identify country of origin (same convention used on the internet)
Terra Librans do not recognize the letter and number sequence as a license per se, the preference is to refer to it as an assigned identification, or identifier as it were, instead, and, to aid other stations, for the purpose of contact information and familiarity, because people are free to act in their own best interest in Terra Libra, free from restraints or outside influences
Of course, those who wish to attempt to "control" others, for their own personal gain, benefit, or, according to their own agenda, will say this (Terra Libra) is not permitted, is not legitimate, etc., however, Terra Librans are neither asking permission, nor looking for, endorsement from anyone Terra Librans have done, and continue to do, what is in their own best interest, as freedom minded individuals often find is necessary in order to live more freely
In the near future we intend to both assign and issue Terra Libra radio station identifiers ... to those free thinking individuals who are interested
The user shall determine what information, if any, shall be provided to the outside world, since it is their information
At the present time many Terra Librans utilize the World Citizen Passport as an alternative, in order to pass through the ports of the world
Eventually, we hope to also issue port passes to Terra Librans, so please, stay tuned!
It is time to shake off the bonds of those who would make you their slave via their one world databases, registrations, certifications and restrictions (benefits and privileges)
73' n Gud DX!
peace )
From: The Embassy & Consulate of Terra Libra
Current Location: Freehold, Terra Libra
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing which ever has
Steve Jobs - Apple Computer
"Free your mind and your body will surely follow"