Citizens of Terra Libra
In the near future we hope to add an order page here with a list of products available to citizens of Terra Libra
Who are citizens of Terra Libra? Any freedom minded individual can "break free" from currently held beliefs and become a citizen of Terra Libra at any time, of their own choosing
Your freedom is completely, and entirely up to you, once you decide to live more freely, free from the bonds, unnecessary restraints and excessive restrictions of modern day society, we believe, it will open up many avenues previously unavailable to individuals caught up in the "rat race" of modern life
Such as, being a party to the bankruptcy of a government corporation which defaulted on war loans many years prior to your existence, subsequently entering into "agreements" to repay said loans, thus enslaving the entire population, permanently, with an interest accruing debt scheme, which can never be repaid, for every future generation to bear the burden, and, as a citizen, legally, you do bear the burden of such a debt. The reason you have a number, you are an asset, listed according to the terms of bankruptcy. Essentially, every citizen is unknowingly a debt slave. We must assume it is unknowingly, otherwise they would not be, because no one wants, or chooses to be a slave, do they?
The illusion of the voice of freedom and liberty, a choice provided by voting, choosing between two obvious puppets, poster children for utter deception and corruption, in our mind, is no choice at all, and it isn't. And, you still may or may not even get, "your" choice via such a system. The two party, good old boy system was always destined, if not designed to fail miserably
The time to take control of your own destiny is now, and stop asking the very same band of "criminals" and "known liars", to repair the damage they continue to do to each and every one of us daily. Placing any trust, in such a failed system quite honestly, seems to be somewhat misguided at best, like rats in a maze
We are living in the internet & space age so far as technology, and yet, these dishonest, archaic practices still exist? Why?
Well, now there is an alternative!
Unlike most government in existence, Terra Libra is totally and completely voluntary, based upon cutting edge, superior freedom technologies. Force, violence, or coercion will never be incorporated by Terra Libra in any way. We believe no one knows what is in your best interest better than you, and we respect that fact
We do not expect that every person will be able to grasp the Terra Libra superior freedom concepts fully and completely upon their first encounter, so we recommend allowing these thought patterns to "sink in" for a while, before you make any decision about, or toward the new superior freedom technologies we offer. After all, your freedom is more important to you, than it is to us
"Free your mind and your body will surely follow"