It's Easy To Make Jokes
It's easy to make jokes about a concept you do not understand
It is far more difficult to be the solution to a problem, than it is to "poo poo" the ideas of others aimed toward a possible solution
A perfect example of this type of mindset, and this kind of thinking, involved Open Source Linux distribution. Many people said "free" software would never fly, the concept was flawed, no one would work on operating systems and software without compensation, free of charge
Yet, today Linux is the number two (2) operating system in the entire world. The idea was made manifest by the efforts of the collective, rather than by some regulation which said it was wrong, impossible, or could not be accomplished
Maybe it's time to start being part of the solution, rather than part of the problem... good advice
note: none of these reports are currently sold (see list below)
Granted, this post was made: 21 april 1994. The reason it is here is today... people love to bring up old dirt and bad blood, it is the nature of the beast
The Terra Libra freedom technology concept remains the same, you are free simply by choosing to be free
No one can sell that to you at any price
The cause of freedom, is, has always been, and will continue to be, a sound one
Without question, and beyond any doubt
And do not believe, for even one second, that anyone else is out there fighting for yours, if you are not
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Terra Libra (long)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Terra Libra (long)
From: jim@bilbo.suite.com (Jim Miller)
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 94 00:36:32 -0500
Reply-To: Jim_Miller@bilbo.suite.com
Sender: owner-cypherpunks@toad.com
Well, it's been a couple of days since I asked if anyone knew
anything about Terra Libra. Nobody has spoken up.
Since, on the surface, Terra Libra sounds like it would be
interesting to many on this list, I'm posting a condensed version of
the flyer I received in the mail. I am not affiliated with Terra
Libra in any way. Actually, I wonder it is really just a money
making scam.
Here goes...
THE WORLD TO EFFECTIVE ACTION -- and filling their pockets with
oodles of boodle!!! [yeah right - jm]
Dear Friend of Freedom,
My name is Frederick Mann [who? - jm]. I have lived free from
government coercion of practically all kinds for many years in
several parts of the world. I have learned a great deal about
practical freedom. I'm now ready to share what I've learned with you
[for a price -jm]. As you can see from the testimonials in this
letter [proof by anecdote? - jm] and from the progress reported on
page 4, I've also become very successful at sharing what I've learned
about freedom [by getting money from suckers? -jm]. Furthermore, I'm
providing you with the opportunity to share freedom with others and
make a fortune while doing so...If you want to [give me money first -
Have you been getting that sinking feeling in your gut that things
are terribly wrong in America? Do you ever feel that our economic
future is looking worse as each year passes? Have you seen of read
books likes _Bankruptcy 1995_ which say that our entire financial
structure -- and even civilization itself [oh my! -jm] -- in America
could collapse within a few years? Do you sometimes think America is
being engulfed by a rising tide of political corruption, crime,
violence, mayhem, [scams -jm] and senseless murder?
Do you think the government is making things better or worse?
What do you think of the Waco massacre? The so-called "war on
drugs?" IRS, ATF, and FDA terrorism? What do you think of the
government's asset forfeiture laws? Socialized health care? Do you
think America is heading towards fascism or communism -- or the worse
combination of both? [asks a lot of questions, doesn't he. -jm]
BUT ALL IS NOT LOST -- IT'S NOT HOPELESS!!! [phew! I was getting
worried. - jm]
Terra Libra is the new dimension in personal freedom, money, and
power that changes everything. Our unbeatable weapon is called [drum
roll please -jm] Freedom Technology. Terra Libra and Freedom
Technology represents a societal breakthrough that completely changes
the dynamics of money, power, domination [ooh, kinky -jm], and
freedom. Because of its people, its design, its business dynamics,
its philosophy, its strategies, its tactics, its elements, its
products, its networking, and its freedom technology, Terra Libra is
by far the most advanced freedom organization ever conceived and
created -- that I know of. Terra Libra is unstoppable because people
are by nature free and we have found the keys that enables you to
enjoy freedom right now and to make a fortune spreading freedom to
When you push against a system, it tends to push back. Some people
need to push and fight because that's their nature. The success of
our fight for freedom is likely to come from the combined results of
very different strategies and tactics waged over a wide range of
fronts. The fundamental Terra Libra strategy is based on the
understanding that the power of the tyrants comes from the victims.
The victims surrender power to the tyrants. If enough victims
withdraw support, the tyranny collapses. This is essentially the
strategy Gandhi used to defeat the British Empire in India.
One of the greatest strengths of Terra Libra is that we don't try
to change the systems of tyranny. We simply create our own free
systems [who is that John Galt guy anyways? -jm] Individuals acquire
the tools to live free despite the tyrants. Terra Libra and other
organizations provide the free institutions that replace their
coercive counterparts. Such alternatives already exist is areas such
as currencies, banking, communication, education, health care, etc.
Eventually practically all the products and services now available in
the public and private sectors -- and many more -- will be provided
in the Terra Libra free market. As people shift their economic
activities from the public and private sectors into the free market
of Terra Libra, the forces of tyranny automatically lose support and
they are blown away.
Terra Libra is the world's first truly free county. It is a
worldwide information-based country that extends across national
borders. Its inhabitants are Free Sovereign Citizens. It has a Code
based on individual sovereignty, self-ownership, private property,
and voluntary exchange. Terra Librans can do anything which doesn't
harm others or their property. They practice real or true free
enterprise. In fact, Terra Libra is the free-enterprise zone of the
world. The "Terra Libra Introductory Package" describes Terra Libra
in more detail.
Terra Librans have a "secret weapon" they use to live free despite
coercive systems. It's called Freedom Technology: the practical
knowledge, methods, and skills to live free; the street-smart
know-how that enables you to run rings around the forces of tyranny;
the means to protect your income and assets from predatory tyrants;
and ultimately, the means to blow away the bogus forces of tyranny.
During the past few decades very powerful Freedom Technology has
been developed to counterattack and defeat tyrants who violate their
constitution. Any reasonably well-informed person can run rings
around the Infernal Revenue Stealers. In addition to powerful
methods to quickly persuade them to leave you alone, commercial liens
can be used to encumber the personal property and destroy the credit
rating of corrupt government officials who try to violate your rights
[huh!? -jm] (see "Commercial Liens: A Most Potent Weapon")
Freedom Technology enables you to exit most coercive government
systems safely, legally, and elegantly. You automatically increase
your own power. You gradually or quickly, partially or completely,
withdraw your support from the tyrants. So they lose power. The
power of the forces of tyranny depend completely on the power granted
to them by their victims [you already said that -jm]. Withdraw the
support and they collapse. It is because of this phenomenon that the
armed might of the East German military backed by 300,000 Russian
troops couldn't keep the Berlin wall standing. When a critical mass
of people said, "No!!! We've had enough!!! We're mad as hell!!!
We're not going to take it any more!!!" [I saw that movie, too -jm]
the Berlin wall tumbled. [and all this time I thought it was cheap
concrete -jm]
[skipping a bunch of stuff -jm]
It's significant that the strongest support for Terra Libra comes
from people who two qualities [they have money, and they send it to
strangers -jm]
o They are practical, successful professionals and business owners;
o They are advanced freedom-thinkers who have studied the subject
of freedom extensively and have been involved with other
organizations that promote freedom [ah, that's how they got my
address -jm].
Generally, they regard the formation of Terra Libra and the
concepts expressed in its reports as the most advanced, most
practical, and most potentially profitable approach to freedom they
have ever come across.
An essential aspect of Terra Libra is Networking between Terra
Librans. To live free, we sometimes need expert services, for
example, on how to beat the Infernal Revenue Stealers. We also want
to patronize each other's free-market businesses. The "Terra Libra
Introductory Package" includes a Freedom Technology Directory,
listing our patrons and Professional Liberators. Following is a
partial listing from this Directory.
[list deleted]
Much more has been achieved than space allows me to mention. A few
o There are now 32 Patrons and 45 Professional Liberators in:
[various states and countries -jm]
o Our _Freedom Technology Resource Guide_ contains over 100 entries
of individuals, organizations, and publications from all over the
world -- valuable sources of Freedom Technology.
o The November 1993 issue of the _Orange County Liberty Bell_ ran a
full-page feature on Terra Libra.
o The Terra Libra "country" concept has been expanded to include
"Terra Libra Territories" of which there are already several,
including the international holdings of a major Pennsylvania
investment company.
o An organization has been established to create a worldwide
economic system with a %100 gold-based currency. The system will
interface with current banking systems. It's organized so that each
aspect of it is perfectly legal in the country where that aspect
operates. Users of the gold-based system will be able to enjoy most
of the services they now receive from their local bank. They will be
able to deposit local currency checks and bank notes. The system
will be able to write checks in local currency. Secure electronic
transfer will be possible for transactions between users of the
system [*** ding ding ding *** how secure? -jm]. Users will be able
to withdraw funds from ATMs. [can't be too secure then -jm] The
gold will be maintained by solid financial institutions, as safe as
possible from thieves and robbers of all kinds [uh huh, right -jm].
The gold will be insured and subject to regular independent audit.
Initial financing has been received and development is proceeding.
We expect the system to be operational around June 1994. This system
could play a major role in creating a solid alternative of being able
to bank in private and being protected against the collapse of paper
o We have developed the mechanisms to market freedom products and
services profitably.
o Personnel has grown to six full-time and several part-time.
o Full-page or multi-page advertisements have appeared or will soon
appear in _Reason_ magazine, _Libertarian Part News_, _Freedom
Network News_, _Liberty_ magazine, and other publications.
o We mail to over 10,000 prospective customers [marks? -jm] every
[more stuff skipped]
[descriptions of the things they want you to buy -jm]
Terra Libra Introductory Package (6 reports) - $22.00
Introduction to Terra Libra. The basic concepts and ideas that
define Terra Libra. [stuff skipped]
How to Improve Your Information (report) - $3.00
Your "win-lose switch" and how it affects the information on which
you operate. Freedom and coercion. Does power corrupt? How to
recognize the most useful information. The American way. The "best
legal system in the world." The Semmelweis-reflex. The inside-angle
orientation. How to improve the programs in your brain. How to fire
on all eight cylinders. Why human consciousness is in it infancy and
what to do about it.
How to Find Out Who You Are (report) - $3.00
The sovereign individual paradigm. what you need to know about
disobedience. The development of consciousness. Understanding
coercion. Understanding evil. [evil? -jm] What Nietzsche said about
the state. ["That which does not tax you makes you richer." -jm] One
of the most important U.S. Supreme Court cases. The legal statuses
of "freeman" and "slave". How to find out who you are.
How to Discover Your Freedom (report) - $3.00
Rose Wilder Lane: pioneer of the self-discovery of freedom. What
you need to know to discover your freedom. how to overcome your
wimp. The bicameral model of the mind. The elements that describe a
Free Sovereign Individual. How to seize your freedom.
The Nature of Freedom (report) - $1.50
Important definitions of freedom. The consequences of these
definitions. The Terra Libra Strategy. Many aspects of freedom not
usually considered.
Discourse on Voluntary Servitude (report) - $4.50
Brief biography of Ettiene de la Boetie. The la Boetie analysis of
freedom and tyranny. An abridged and edited text of la Boetie's
_Discourse on Voluntary Servitude_. Written in 1552 or 1553, this is
still one of the most advanced essays on politics ever written. It
had a profound influence on the Huegenots (French protestants) and on
Tolstoy, Emerson, and Gandhi. It provides insights on freedom and
tyranny not available anywhere else.
The Constitution of No Authority (report) - $6.00
Politics as games. Cognitive dissonance. The "big lie"
phenomenon. Brief biography of Lysander Spooner. Elements and
analysis of the "Spooner-insight": the biggest government hoax of
all. Condensed and edited text of Spooner's _The Constitution of No
Authority_. The most advanced analysis of political constitutions
ever written. To understand the essence of political power you must
read this report.
U.S. Federal Jurisdiction (report) - $7.50
The clauses in the U.S. Constitution that define the jurisdiction
of the U.S. federal government. Extensive legal brief by attorney
Larry Becraft. Why most of what the U.S. federal government does is
unconstitutional, illegal, and criminal. How to use this information
to roll back the U.S. federal government.
How to Achieve and Increase Personal Power (report) - $7.50
[stuff skipped] How to practice the science of realistic optimism.
How to overcome your wimp. [more stuff skipped]
What's Wrong with the U.S. and other Countries (report) - $4.50
Why and how America and western European countries have been
gradually reverting to feudalism. Are lawyers our biggest enemies
and the largest beneficiaries of modern feudalism? How our judicial
systems have been corrupted. The role of "compulsory state
brainwashing." Inflation and the corruption of currencies. The ten
planks of the _Communist Manifesto_ and how they are being
implemented in the "free countries of the west." The practical
things you can do about all this. How you can profit from the
collapse of western civilization. [It's the end of the world as we
know it...and I feel fine. -jm]
Wake Up America! The Dynamics of Human Power (book) - $15.00
The power of Mahatma Gandhi. Human failure programs and human
success programs. How to overcome helplessness and powerlessness.
How to learn creative optimism. How to master money and love [and
win friends and influence people -jm]. The power that brings
happiness. Human Power groups to solve personal, economic, and
social problems. And much more.
The Economic Rape of America: What You can Do About It (book) -
In depth analysis of all the important ways in which Americans are
being economically raped. The worst economic rapists. People in
other countries are being economically raped in similar ways. What
you as an individual can do to protect yourself.
How to Achieve Superhealth (report) - $30.00
[sigh -jm] You can be vastly healthier than you ever dreamed
possible. Why you must become your own doctor and assume complete
personal responsibility for your health. The germ theory of disease.
The toxin theory of disease. The mind theory of disease. The
principle of superhealth. The practice of superhealth. Directory
superhealth organizations. [lifetime memberships? -jm] Bibliography
of superhealth books.
AIDS -- Bad Science or Hoax? (book) - $20.00
Interview (1988) with Dr. Peter Duesberg, one of the world's
foremost virologists. [stuff skipped]
Your Personal Independence Package (book + parchment) - $20.00
The book _A Personal Declaration of Independence: To Complete the
American Revolution_ by Paine's Torch. [description of parchment
The Pure Trust Package (video, booklet, 5 reports, brochures) -
The Pure Trust is a superb method to increase your privacy and
safeguard your assets. Video on the Pure Trust. Two introductory
brochures. A booklet explaining the trust in more detail. The Pure
Trust in a nutshell -- technical details. A privacy and asset
protection report. The Pure Trust can be used instead of a
corporation to operate a business. It eliminates probate and estate
duties. It may reduce or eliminate capital gains taxes. It can be
used to diversify your assets into separate "watertight
compartments." It renders you virtually judgment-proof. It can
reduce of eliminate the need for liability insurance. And much more.
Beat-the-IRS Package (5 reports) - $49.00
What you need to know and understand about yourself and government
if you want to greatly reduce or eliminate the taxes you pay. The
IRS has many skeletons in its closet. All the important weaknesses
of the IRS. The important U.S. Supreme Court cases you can use to
beat the IRS. Why the IRS mostly goes after the "easy pickings." A
real-life example of how the IRS backs down when confronted with
someone who knows their weaknesses and how to drive them into a
corner from which they can't escape. Organizations that help you to
"untax" yourself. How they work. How to choose the best one for
you. The dangers and risks to avoid.
The Asset Forfeiture Protection Manual (book) - $49.00
It is unconstitutional, illegal, and criminal for government agents
to seize your property without a jury trial. The relevant Supreme
Court cases. The procedures and forms to recover your property. The
forms and procedures to prosecute government criminals who illegally
seize private property. Where to get expert assistance.
Commercial Liens: A most Potent Weapon (book) - $49.00
How to use commercial liens to protect your property. How to use
commercial liens to encumber the property of government criminals and
destroy their credit records. Forms and procedures. Mistakes to
avoid. Where to get expert assistance.
[The last page is an order form. You can order individual items or
the whole package. If you order all the products individually it
would cost $334.50. If you order them as a package it's only $167.
Also, you can check a box to indicate your desire to become a *Terra
Libra Distributor* and get a *FREE Distributor Package* with your
order. Oh boy. -jm]
[Oh yeah, their address:
Terra Libra, 2430 E. Roosevelt #998LF,
Pheonix, AS 85008] (incorrect address)
Re: Terra Libra (long)
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"Free your mind and your body will surely follow"